{{ $store.state.auth.user.displayId }}
{{ $store.state.charts.profile.device_id }}
{{ $store.state.charts.profile.user_id }}
{{ $store.state.charts.profile.device_email }}
{{ $store.state.manage.appstate.programInfo.activeProductId }}
\r\n {{ $store.state.current.product.current }}
{{ $store.state.debug.route.url }}
{{ $store.state.debug.route.update_url }}
{{ $store.state.debug.route.update_data }}
{{ $store.state.debug.route.response.data }}
For any questions please write us to {{ app_email() }}
\r\nUse the username and password from the {{ app_name() }} application or register a new account for\r\n ECDIS. You can reset your password in {{ app_name() }} application if need. For all questions please contact us:\r\n {{app_email()}}.
\r\nUse the username and password from the {{ app_name() }} application. You can reset your password in {{ app_name() }} application if need. For all questions please contact us:\r\n {{app_email()}}.
\r\n\r\nHow to get started
\r\n\r\n\r\nTo purchase ENCs and Nautical Publications on WEB portal you need to be registered ether via mobile {{ app_name() }}.
\r\nSubmit please your valid e-mail and get password on it. Enter password and registration is done.
\r\nHow to purchase ENCs
\r\nEnter your credentials and select your activated mobile device or ECDIS account to get access to\r\n electronic catalogue.
\r\nYou may purchase ready Maps folios like Norway or Estonia, US maps are free. In case of PRIMAR, you have\r\n to pick up desired ENCs from the WEB map or via Maps Booster functions and proceed with payments. Orders\r\n history and payments logs are preserved.
\r\nSystem automatically prevents you from maps double purchase and can help with maps selection by the rout\r\n which can be calculated automatically and corrected by graphic editor.
\r\n7 Dec 2022 | mKart WEB Portal release
\r\n\r\nDear mKart Customer.
\r\nWe glad to inform you that mKartWEB.com portal is finally released and available for your service via your\r\n e-mail and password registration.
\r\nOn mKart web.com you may select and buy electronic maps from PRIMAR and commercial products from few\r\n national HOs. You can see your ship’s latest position and calculate the route to new destination in the\r\n automatic mode. Required ENCs for your voyage will be selected automatically and verified against your\r\n current portfolio.
\r\nYou may purchase selected electronic maps directly on site by credit card and after it is done data will be\r\n uploaded on your device on-line automatically with providing notifications both via e-mail and in the mobile\r\n App.
\r\nFor using mKartWEB.com we recommend upgrade you mobile App version to the latest and get access to improved\r\n functionality and performance. The letter about new features and functions will be submitted soon.
\r\nTo purchase Primar maps select any your registered device and proceed to Charts menu.
\r\nFor any questions please write us to support@mkart.fi
\r\nPlease wait...
\r\n\r\nAre you sure you want to remove the selected rows?
\r\nNo any agreement for the user. For any questions please write us to support@mkart.fi
\r\nNo any agreement for the user. For any questions please write us to support@njordpilot.com
\r\n\r\n Select/unselect cells by click or make a route to select the required cells\r\n
\r\n Select/deselect cells by click or make a route to select the required cells\r\n
\r\n Error {{network.code}}: chart purchasing in temporary unavailable. Try reload the page later.
\r\nTo purchase Primar maps press New order and select any preferable method (e.g. manual cell selection).
\r\nFor any questions please write us to support@mkart.fi
\r\n\r\n Now you can visit the My Devices tab and select the ECDIS device to purchase charts.\r\n
\r\nError {{network.code}}: chart purchasing in temporary unavailable. Try reload the page later.
\r\nThis is a Primar maps viewer for non logined users
\r\nFor any questions please write us to support@mkart.fi